fiddle tune is a melody that once you hear it, you can't seem
to get it out of your head until you can grab your banjo and
learn it yourself. A fiddle tune is a living cord connecting
us back to long ago generations, to feel deep in ourselves just
a fragment of feeling transmitted from across the ages by some
plain common folk, our ancestors otherwise long forgotten. A
fiddle tune is a kind of tune that has a lot of music concentrated
in just a little bit of space, and in that respect it is to
notes what poetry is to words. A good fiddle tune you can play
for a very long time and not get tired of it. A good fiddle
tune is a tune that you can never quite play the same way twice,
even when you want to. A good fiddle tune will bring two or
more people together who might otherwise be enemies. Fiddle
tunes all pretty much sound the same, except they all sound
different when you finally hear them. A good fiddle tune will
always be remembered by somebody. And a good fiddle tune will
make you forget, for just an instant, that man is born to die.